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Portion Control Meal Plan + Grocery List

Portion Control Meal Plan + Grocery List

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This is a personalized product. Once purchased I will email you (to the email address used at checkout) to gather additional information for creating your plan.


This personalized portion control meal plan is ideal for any "lifestyle client"!

I do the heavy lifting for you, simplifying the process of meeting your goals--whether that be slimming down, bulking up, or maintaining your desired weight.

It's really as simple as 1-2-3, all you need to do is stick to the daily caloric intake and portion size allotments for protein, carbs, and fat—you'll be on your way to achieving results in no time! 

  • Calculation of calories based on age, height, weight, and physique!
  • This plan comes with a detailed, easy-to-follow grocery list to make sure you have the best meals for your 12-week journey!
    • Rule of thumb is "If it's not on the list, don't eat it Sis!" or "If it's not on the list, the answer is no Bro!"
  • Our grocery list conveniently categorizes macros - lean proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats - for easy swapping

The below people will benefit tremendously from a portion control plan!

  • Individuals eager to adopt clean eating and pursue a healthier lifestyle!
  • Individuals ready to take control of their wellbeing and energize their lives!
  • Anyone eager to discover what to eat without any apprehension
  • Individuals with the below medical conditions seeking newfound freedom while regaining control of your health today!
    • Diabetes 
    • Thyroid issues
    • High Blood Pressure
    • Fibroid issues
    • And many more...